Friday, March 31, 2006


Lukashenko - bullet in the head or shotgun blast in the face now - lot cheaper than an invasion and a lot less blood shed than a revolution.


Kate Watson said...
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Kate Watson said...

Whilst I've always found post-soviet politics fascinating (perhaps not the best choice of word when you consider the reality of living in that kind of political climate...) I must admit that I've never really been able to boast a very good understanding of the issues.

In truth I know next to nothing about Belarus and the political situation there - other than that Lukashenko seems pretty corrupt and I think I've read stuff about the suppression of dissent/opposition, unfair elections, etc... etc...

This reminded me of my housemate who has often got quite worked up about what for her is the ultimate mystery of modern times... "Where have all the assassins gone?"

SmellsLikeSnake said...

I think its the pay. Did you know that a mad British woman attempted to kill Musolini. She hit him in the nose with her first shot - and then the gun jammed or he certainly would have been dead. She avoided execution on the grounds she was mad too!!